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How To Deal With A Hacked Twitter Account

Discovering that your Twitter account has been hacked can be a distressing experience. However, it's important to remain calm and take immediate action to regain control and secure your account. In this blog, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to deal with a hacked twitter account. By following these instructions, you can minimize the damage, regain access, and protect your personal information and online presence.

How To Deal With A Hacked Twitter Account

Recognizing the Signs of a Hacked Twitter Account 

The first step in dealing with a hacked Twitter account is to recognize the signs. Look for any unusual activity, such as unauthorized posts, messages, or notifications. If you experience difficulty logging into your account or notice any suspicious changes, it's crucial to take immediate action.

Act Quickly: Change Your Password 

Resetting your Twitter account password is a priority when dealing with a hacked account. Access the "Forgot password" feature on the login page and follow the instructions to create a new password. Ensure that your new password is strong, unique, and not used for any other accounts. Additionally, enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for an extra layer of security.

Review and Revoke Access to Third-Party Apps 

Check the list of authorized apps and services connected to your Twitter account. Remove any suspicious or unfamiliar apps that may have been granted access by the hacker. Review the permissions of trusted apps and ensure they have appropriate access levels.

Verify Your Account Information 

Take the time to review your account details and settings. Verify that your profile information, such as bio, profile picture, and website, hasn't been changed. Update your personal information if necessary, and double-check the validity of your email address and phone number associated with the account.

Scan Your Device for Malware 

To ensure that your account wasn't compromised due to malware on your device, perform a thorough scan using reputable antivirus software. Follow the software's instructions to scan for and remove any detected threats. This helps prevent further security breaches.

Report the Hacked Account to Twitter Contact 

Twitter support immediately to report the hacked account and seek their assistance. Provide them with all the necessary information and details about the incident. Twitter's support team will guide you through the recovery process and provide further instructions on how to regain control of your account.

Strengthen Your Account Security 

To prevent future hacking attempts, it's crucial to strengthen your Twitter account's security. Enable login verification and two-factor authentication (2FA) to add an extra layer of protection. This ensures that even if someone obtains your password, they would still need a secondary verification method to access your account. Regularly update your password and avoid using easily guessable information. Be vigilant for phishing attempts, and never share your account credentials with anyone.


Dealing with a hacked Twitter account can be stressful, but by following these steps, you can take control of the situation and protect your online presence. Recognize the signs of a hacked account, change your password immediately, and review and revoke access to third-party apps. Verify your account information, scan your device for malware, and report the incident to Twitter. Finally, strengthen your account security by enabling login verification and 2FA. By taking these proactive measures, you can recover your hacked account, prevent future incidents, and maintain a secure and trustworthy presence on Twitter.

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